Friday, October 06, 2006

Being Blessed to be a blessing to others not some spiritual elite....

I remember sitting at the Train Station in Perth the morning I left for London thinking about the huge task ahead of me. Now two weeks into London i'm confornted with a set of new tasks that seem equally nerve racking.

It rained today which was nice... It was that kind of rain that gets you drenched so quickly that you don't have time to react by putting on a raincoat or putting up an umbrella. So becuase i got soaked i just decided to enjoy it, The London air can be so humid and thick so it was refreshing to feel the cold rain dripping off the end of my nose. Also i had just attended a 'meet the funder's event' where we were given a free Lunch so i decided to fill my pockets full of mini naan breads before i left to keep me going for the rest of the day. They were real good!

As i mentioned above, I attended a fundraising event today (lunch being the main highlight). It's really exciting to be at the brink of a project, to be one of the people who is going to take it forward and see it grow. We're pretty confident it will work because of the number's of people who come into the centre voluntarily looking for support. This we feel is our unique selling point to funders 'becuase we're a church open everyday people will come to us'. Other centre's offering advocacy perhaps don't have that.....Alongside the advocacy project the centre will boast a buzzing cafe, and youth centre and services for mother's and toddlers... Steve Chalke even mentioned building a football team as a form of developing community spirit.... The other wonderful thing about Oasis is the no fear to try something approach, if someone's got an idea and they can prove there's a need then it'll be given the opportunity to work!....


Stevie G said...

Alright Mr Nelson.
Bit of early stage blogger advice for you. You spell because -b e c a u s e, not becuase. Obviously as you progress in your role at OASIS your spelling will certainly improve.
Take care keep safe.
Stevie G

Sue said...

I was just thinking how refreshing to read something written with enthusiasm, that is uncontrived and gets the message across without being contrived. You can always check the typos should you wish to submit this for a Pulitzer Prize.
Stepping outside your comfort zone to do something you believe in takes courage and thanks for letting folk share in it. Whatever your experiences will be, there will be good in it.
God be with you.

That Hideous Man said...

The 'spriritual elite' is suffering from a lack of suitable applicants (has been for a couple of hundred years actually). We were all hoping you'd be preparing for the role. Are we to be dissapointed after all?