Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The attack of the pegs

It's not often that hanging out the washing turns nasty but on this day it did. There i was just putting out my clean clothes to dry when one of the pegs threw itself at my face. I squealed in pain and Sam my Brighton born colleague came running out and was also attacked by several pegs. One hitting him right in the eye. Blinded by this attack the pegs took over and what you see in these photos is the results. The attack was both unexpected and cheeky. I'll never approach hanging out the washing in the same way again......


That Hideous Man said...

Looks like the front cover of a horror DVD.....


Anonymous said...

Alright love machine!!! Who's your favourite actor? Simon Pegg? Who's your favourite singer? Regina Pegtor?

You're special. Love ya, bring on the august scottish spritzen!!

x x x x

Anonymous said...

"Nelson marriage prospects hit new low as peg-photo published on internet"

(this is a caption competition isn't it?)

Anonymous said...

yeah pegs are taking over the world one washing line at a time attacking unsuspecting humans..you gotta keep your wits about you man!!

Lins said...

Buy a tumble dryer!