Tuesday, May 29, 2007

over and over and over... like a monkey with minature symbols

I realised a long time ago that the kids here are hard to please.....in the past i thought it was about me not understanding the kids but now i realise that they are just difficult to please. However, i love the journey of identifying 'what works' - trying different things in an attempt to find the solution. On Sunday i had to leads kids church (zooped up Sunday School) where the leaders have had real difficulties engaging the kids. To give you an idea of the difficulty - there was a fight last week where one boy just started punching another. I had always felt that i could really affect the kids mood by changing the environment and so i decided to take all the tables and chairs out the room. I then shut all the curtains and put coloured lights in to create a 'cool' atmosphere. I placed cushions on the floor where i hoped the kids would come and chill out. I covered the floor space that was left in paper and put on some music.

The result was incredible....the kids totally relaxed. We played a few games to get their energy out and spent the rest of the morning drawing on the floor. I asked them to do three things: 1) draw the place where they feel the happiest 2) draw the place where they feel most unhappy and 3) to draw their favourite creation. This totally clicked in with their busy imaginations and apart from a few complaints about the music they happily drew and chatted away. We ended the session by eating maltesers and dancing. As the kids left i couldn't believe how well the session had gone. In fact it was perhaps the first time i had felt truly satisfied with the results of a session i had run. So often I've tried different methods of engaging the people we work with and often it's seemed as if we've failed. But on this one occasion i had got it right and i think that shows me how important it is too keep things fresh. In a sense there isn't a certain thing that works but the term 'what works' relates to the ongoing process of locating things that do work. Very often when you do find something that worked the challenge will be to build on it because kids (especially) crave something new and exciting. Doing the thing 'that worked' over and over wont always be successful......

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